2022 Virtual Poster Presentation Rules
This virtual scientific meeting provides scientific sessions/discussions, continuing education units, research presentations, networking opportunities, awards, prizes and more.
We would like to invite you to present virtually the results of soil and water research during the student poster presentation session. Awards will be given to students with the most outstanding poster presentations in three categories: Undergraduate, MS, and PhD.
The poster session is a great professional development opportunity for students working in soil and water research.
The student poster submission deadline is Monday, January 17, 2022.
The following information should be sent by January 14, 2022 to Dr. Jennifer Bouldin at jbouldin@astate.edu:
1) Poster title
2) Name of student presenter & academic classification (undergraduate, MS or PhD student).
3) List of co-authors and their affiliations
Poster presenters should submit their pre-recorded presentation on or before Monday, January
17, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. CT at www.arkswec.com.
Pre-recorded presentations may be created using Zoom or through the VOICETHREAD application that is available for free online at https://voicethread.com/myvoice.
Uploaded pre-recorded presentations should be no more than 5 minutes with audio narration. The pre-recorded presentations will be available only for registered meeting attendees, and they may view them beginning on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 and will be available throughout the meeting for on-demand viewing.
Students presenting posters must register for the conference at www.arkswec.com. There is no charge for students to compete.
Students can submit their poster here:
Please send your questions to Dr. Jennifer Bouldin at jbouldin@astate.edu