2021Virtual Poster Presentations
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Undergraduate Level
Ellie Kuhn
Modeling Leaf Area Index and Canopy Height Using Growing Degree Days

Jeferson Pimentel
Evaluating Performance of Irrigation Timing and Efficiencies in Furrow - Irrigated Rice

Master of Science (M.S) Level
Anna Pieri
Long-term Monitoring of Freshwater Mussel Beds (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Buffalo National River, AR

Dillon Russell
Irrigation Scheduling and Cover Crop Interactions on Soybean Production in the Mississippi Delta

Daniel Shults
Modeling Technique for Reservoir Identification in Eastern Arkansas

Allegra Pieri
Managed Aquifer Recharge in the U.S. Mid-South: Initial Utility and Construction of Two Infiltration Galleries in Northeast Arkansas

Thais Jardim
Automation of Rice Irrigation: First - Year Results

Nicholas Craddock
Effects of Pastureland Use on Subwatersheds of the Buffalo National River, Arkansas

Marguerita Leavitt
The Effect of Ratoon Rice Cropping on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Harvest Yield in Arkansas

Thomas Patrick Dill
Effects of conservation practices on the payback period of publicly funded surface water reservoirs in Arkansas rice production

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Level
Amelia Atwell
Seasonal Contribution of Lead and Sediment in the Upper Cache River Watershed, Arkansas

Mohd Kotaiba Abugazleh
Investigation of the Toxicity of Catechol and Hydroquinone to Freshwater Organisms
(Pimephales Promelas, Ceriodaphnia dubia) After Adsorption by Metal Oxides

Brittany Singleton
Riparian Land Use Along Two Sections of the Bayou DeView River, Arkansas